Ozone Steam Sauna
Oxygen Chamber Therapy is a common way to describe the combination of Ozone and Steam Sauna Therapy. Ozone, or “activated oxygen”, is introduced into a special steam sauna cabinet where it is then absorbed transdermally (across the skin) of the sauna occupant. The result is a health effect on the occupant that combines the beneficial oxygenation and detoxification effects of both Ozone and Steam Sauna Therapy.
Transdermal ozone therapy also assists in weight loss
During a 20-30 minute session in the steam cabinet the body burns up to 250-450 calories. More importantly as toxins are stored in the body’s fat reserves, when the body is de-toxified as a combined result of the sweating inside the steam cabinet and the de-toxification that takes place as a result of the ozone, the body no longer requires extraneous fat and so you are more likely to stay slim.

How many sessions do I need?
We recommend a series of 6 – 10 sessions once/twice per week to kick-start your health journey. Maintenance sessions can be done monthly or more frequently if desired. Sessions are 20 – 30 minutes each
Your Elan Avi Ozone Therapy Health & Beauty Benefits
- Improvement of
- Neutralization of
- Prevention of
- Relieves
- Helps with
- Boosting of
- Combating of
- Other
- Contraindications
- Blood Circulation
- Mental Stability
- Mineral and Vitamin Bodily Absorption
- Metabolism
- Mental Reaction
- General Brain Functionality
- Memory
- Cellular Respiration
- Digestion
- Toxin Elimination System
- Heart Functionality
- Amino Acid Utilization
- Lactic Acid Build-Ups
- Stomach Acid
- Environmental Toxicity
- Chronic Hostility
- Uric Acid Build-Ups
- Constipation
- Allergies
- Irregular Heartbeats
- Shingles
- Degenerative Disease
- Epstein Barr
- Stress Build-Up
- Colds and Flu
- Lymes Disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Sudden Heart Attacks
- Tumours
- Premature Aging
- Gangrene
- Cluster Headaches
- Asthma
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Nerve Related Diseases
- Cardiac Arrhythmias
- Sinusitis
- Angina
- Fever Blisters
- Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Toxic Waste Build-Up
- Tension
- Muscle Aches and Pain
- Angina
- Skin Purification and Softening
- Increasing Mental Alertness
- Calm the Temperament
- Bodily Cellular Detoxification
- Blood Purification
- Cellular Vitality
- Stress Decreasing
- Destruction of Harmful Micro Organism
- Lymph System
- Detoxification
- Oxidization of Bodily Poisons
- Overcoming Bodily Weakness
- Boosting of Energy Levels
- Igniting the Carbohydrates
- Lighten the Workload of the Heart
- Dispersing of Heavy Metal Toxicity
- Oxidization of Pathogenic Material
- Fighting Emphysema
- General Vitality
- The Immune System
- Muscular Building and Toning
- Capillary Blood Flow
- Colds and Flu
- Herpes
- Infections
- Depression
- Chronic Fatigue
- Bronchial Problems
- Breaking down of cellulite while burning of excess fat and sugar.
- Breaking up of bad cholesterol.
- Decomposition of plaque, cleaning of the liver, kidneys, spleen and mucus build-up.
- Clearing of dirty fluids within the body and helps clearing brain fog.
- Oxygenation of the lympathic system, pancreas, spleen and red blood cells.
- Correcting a faulty metabolism, memory loss, high as well as low blood pressure and dizziness.
- Most heart conditions
- Pregnancy/ breastfeeding
- While under the influence of drugs/alcohol
- Chronic advanced diseases,
- Blood problems,
- Internal or external bleeding